Underlying Pressure…

27 Jul


Slow water pressure in the kitchen sink meant I had time to play around with some more effects this evening as the suds rose. I quite like the shot of darker green where the water is hitting the surface.
Doing dishes has its moments. Some days it feels like there is all the time in the world, music is on and they are clean before you know it. Other times it is a complete slog with the feeling that you’ve had twenty people over for dinner. People now offer that “you’d be better off with a dishwasher”. It only feels like recently that they were evil contraptions that sucked precious water and sent your bill soaring. It seems that with recent rains and drought stories on the wane in the papers, the general population tend to change their opinions and advice for others. Just scrub…

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Posted by on July 27, 2011 in Uncategorized


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